lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Wall wisher

I have created a Wallwisher wall. It is a simple webpage where we all can post our messages easily.
So simply go to and post your message there.
Happy Posting!

viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

urban english

A combination of the words "man" and "boobs." This is what happens when fat gathers in a male's chest area, and gives him the appearance of having breasts.
Usually seen in overweight males, but can strangely also occur in men who are not really overweight.


In general, people do not like to be called fat. But some ways to say 'fat' are less rude than others.
fat is a very direct word. You might use it about yourself but it will usually cause offence if you use it about someone else
• I'm so fat at the moment!
overweight is a more polite way to say that someone is fatter than they usually are or than they should be
• She is a little overweight.
obese is a word used especially by doctors to describe people who are very fat, in a way that is bad for their health.
chubby is a more informal word and is used especially of children or of rounded body parts such as cheeks or knees.
plump means fat and rounded in a pleasant way
• a plump, motherly woman
big and well-built are fairly polite ways to describe someone with a large, strong, or fat body
• For big men like him, air travel can be uncomfortable.
SOURCE: Longman Dictionary Online